Training Request Form

  • Current Training Request: Road Scholar Course
  • Training Request Form
  • Complete
Policies & Equipment Requirements

General Policies

  • To cancel or reschedule a confirmed training, AZ LTAP requires (2) weeks notice. Failure to meet this deadline will result in a late cancellation fee.
  • To cancel a registered employee from a training, agencies must inform AZ LTAP by emailing [email protected] prior to the end of the training. Failure to directly email cancelation notices to [email protected] will result in a late cancelation fee. Informing the instructor on the day of training of cancelations is not acceptable.
  • Requests to add additional employees or to reschedule/substitute a registered employee must be completed at least (5) five business days before the training. AZ LTAP will not process any late additions or swaps within (5) five business days of the training for any reason.  
  • Agencies are required to designate a 'facilitator' per training to assist our instructors, as needed. 
  • All participants must be transportation employees. There is a registration fee for non-transportation employees due prior to the training.
  • Employees more than 15 minutes late to the training will not be allowed to attend the class and will be canceled from the training.
  • If a consultant/private agency employee is a “NO-SHOW”, a fee of $100.00 will be assessed and invoiced to the consultant/private agency.

Virtual Training Equipment & Additional Policies

  • Virtual training is delivered via WebEx classroom. If your agency cannot use WebEx due to technology incompatability, we may be able to utilize Google Classroom.
  • All registered attendees and facilitators are expected to be logged onto the virtual classroom a minimum of (5) five minutes prior to the training start time
  • If you would like to set up a “technology run” with the instructor, you may contact the instructor directly or email AZ LTAP at [email protected] to have one set up in advance of the training.

Equipment & Set Up

  • Equipment required would be:

    • Access to a Computer or Laptop (Per individual OR one computer in a room set up to allow for all attendees to be visible and audible to the trainer).
    • Computers/laptops must be equipped with functioning Audio and Video connection. If in one training room, the room should have an audio/visual set up that will allow the instructor to view all participants at once.
      • Webcam can be internal or externally attached.
      • Microphone can be internal or externally attached (This will allow for better interaction with the trainer).
    • Strong internet connection, to eliminate network or connectivity issues.
    • Email account per student is required if working in seperate locations. This allows trainers to email documents, PowerPoint presentations, tests, etc., to the students.
    • Employees in multiple locations can remote into training if they have the above requirements met.