Applying Section4(f) Putting Policy into Practice


Applying Section 4(f): Putting Policy into Practice

NHI 142073 Applying Section 4(f): Putting Policy into Practice is a 2-day interactive course that explains the history,

purpose, and application of Section 4(f) within the context of the transportation project development process. Lessons

include identifying Section 4(f) properties; explanations on types of use; an overview of Section 4(f) approval options;

requirements for De Minimis determinations, individual 4(f) evaluations, and nationwide programmatic evaluations;

selecting the appropriate approval option; and the relationship of Section 4(f) with NEPA and other environment laws

and regulations.


Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

• · Explain the history and purpose of Section 4(f)

• · Identify the agencies subject to Section 4(f) compliance

• · Describe the applicability criteria for Section 4(f)p roperties

• · Describe the relationship among Section 4(f), NEPA project development, and other environmental requirements

• · Differentiate the roles and responsibilities of partciipants in the Section 4(f) process

• · Apply the Section 4(f) decision-making process within transportation project development

• · Describe what is necessary to document Section 4(f) compliance

Target Audience

State Departments of TransportationFHWA Headquarters and Field staff, including Federal LandsConsultantsOfficials

with jurisdiction of affected Section 4(f) resources, e.g. State Historic Preservation Offices, Tribal Historic Preservation

Offices, park owners, etc.Other Federal agencies involved with environmental resourcesLocal agencies, including

project sponsors and transit agenciesPublic/Special interest groups or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

Transportation Planning PartnersTribes